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Dajte Donaciju za životinje! Ceo prihod ide kao podrška za akcije i kampanje za zaštitu životinja ili za izdavanje novih DVD-ja ili štampanje knjiga, časopisa, postera i brošura.
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*Udruženje za zaštitu i prava životinja, Sloboda za životinje,
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br. računa:325-9500600008987-55
On Friday evening 12.09, several lorries crossed the border carring 68 Lipizzaners. The agreement at ministerial level was not released to the public. The society Freedom for Animals was present on the final day, 22.09, of the combined Croation and Serbian commission's examination of the Lipizzaners at the Bukinac studd in Novi Sad. Shocked and surprised by what was discovered there the society, Freedom for Animals sent a request to Minister Slobodan Milosavljevic and Minister Sasha Dragin for urgent enforcement of the law in the Lipizzaner graveyard at the Bukinac studd in Novi Sad.
The annual vet check at DANCING BEAR PARK Belitsa is more than just a routine visit by Dr. Loose and Prof. Aminkov. Within four days, at least half of the bears living at the sanctuary have to receive substantial aid to live with the long-term consequences of their brutal past. In May 2009, the three Serbian bears that arrived in a better life in mid-winter top the list of patients. Particularly Seida and Natasha are severely afflicted and need an operation to deal with holes in their jaws.
The society "Freedom for Animals" received information that the combined team from the ministries was scheduled to visit the stud farm on 10.and 11.9.2007. However this inspection is not being carried out. According to our most recent information the work of this commission was cancelled by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture. The suffering, from hunger and neglect, of these Lipice horses is now to be prolonged to death because politicians have no interest in dealing with the humane aspect of this affaire Although more than 345 horses were transferred from the Lipice stud farm the total number today is just 79.
Poslušajte vesti iz oblasti vegetarijanstva, prava životinja, globalnog zagrevanja i o drugim temama, na engleskom i još nekoliko drugih jezika, a od nedavno i na srpskom! Osim na našem sajtu, takođe nas možete naći na stranicama koje ovde navodimo.
Following the visit of the Serbian minister of Agriculture Slobodan Milosavljevic to the "Bukinac" stud farm an official report by veterinary inspection was issued.Veterinarians from the JVS Veterinary Center «Novi Sad» completed a clinical examination of about 70 horses in just two days and established; "that a total of 70 horses in good health and condition are stabled there ... no pathological changes were noted just a healed wound on one horse which was not accepted by the group and had to be kept separately because of biting. This inspection report, issued in spite of the evidence proving the state of the horses in June 2007 and photographs immediately prior to the minister's visit, is completely unacceptable.
In the end three fortunate bears - Cassandra, Seida and Bozhana, the first two from the Pozarevac area and the third from Krusevac - were transferred on January 27th to their temporary refuge at the bear park, Belitsa in Bulgaria. In spite of many problems, which the entire operation encountered on the way, the original team was augmented by numerous additions called in to solve administrative and other difficulties. Thanks to this wonderful response the rescue of these three bears, who have spent years in conditions,unseemly for any living being not to mention prohibited by the law of this country and international conventions, was achieved.
Serbian three bears will now spend a period at the bear park in Bulgaria which was established and is administered by the organization "Vier Pfoten" (Four Paws) and the "Brigitte Bardot" foundation. The Serbian authorities responsible have signed a contract with "Vier Pfoten" ("Four Paws") to finance the establishment and maintenance of a park in Serbia for bears ill-treated in captivity.
Dear Mr. President,
With due respect for your concern for animals, we are kindly asking you to personally stand up for the case of about 80 Croatian Lipizzaners of the best pedigree who are starving on an estate in Novo Naselje in Novi Sad, to be resolved in a positive manner through the official institutions. Their life is in danger and they are in desperate condition. We would also like to inform you that this news was also forwarded to associations in Croatia: Friends of Animals in Zagreb and Voice of Animals Association from Karlovac, as well as other Serbian and European associations with asking them to urgently do all that is in their power to solve this case.
To the Minister for the Protection of the Environment Oliver Dulic and the assistant Minister Radislav Momirov
To the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources, Dr. Sasa Dragin
We request that both ministries take urgent measures for the relocation of ill-treated bears, incarcerated in Paracin and Pozarevac, to a refuge center for the bears of southeast Europe. We also request the signing of the very favorable contract proposed by the Society for the Protection of Animals, "Four Paws" (Vier Pfoten) for the establishment of a Refuge Center for Brown Bears in Serbia.
Two conventions have been ratified which Serbia as signatory is thereby obliged to implement. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and The Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats - the Bern Convention, were signed by Dr. Sasa Dragin as Minister of the Environment in September 2007.
For some inexplicable reasons no action is been taken. We regard this case as urgent because in the meantime one bear has died and the others three are further exposed to hardship and are deprived of their natural hibernation rhythm.
Regardless of the fact that Hunting Inspection and Court officials have taken all steps required by law, the Ministry for the Environment is delaying the rescue of these unfortunate animals.
From the 3rd to the 10th of October,regarding world`s day for the animal protection,association “Freedom for the animals” is organizing an informative stand on the Nikola Pasic Square in Belgrade,with the motto:”Frushka Gora-National Park free of hunting!”